Юбилейна среща с поетите Евтим Евтимов - на 80 и Романьола Мирославова на 60
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Традиционен фестивал на китаро-мандолинното изкуство "МУЗИКА НА СТРУНИТЕ"
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На 22 неември се провече 4-тият пореден фетивал на китаро-мандолинното изкуство "Музиката на Струните"

Във фетивала участваха китаро-мандолинни оркести от Петрич, Сандански, Пазарджик и Благоевград




Featuring regional history museum - Blagoevgrad performers from DUFA "Pirin wrist" at ODKKHJ – Blagoevgrad, Guitar-mandolin orchestra "Sounds chairman" in community center  "N. Y.Vaptsarov - 1866 "- Blagoevgrad, Dimitar Chalykov and Rosa Angelova and primacy of folk songs from the Aegean Macedonia - Lyubka Rondova. The meeting was attended by the mayor of Blagoevgrad - Atanas Kambitov, Christina Shopov - Director of "Humanitarian actions" and Elena Arnaudova - Head of "Culture”. 120 descendants of old dzhumayski families gathered at the annual meeting, one of the attendees were family clans Kehayovi from Kukush of which is the boss of the orphanage in Blagoevgrad- Evgenia Yordanova, varoshlii, including Maria Kavdanska  and her mother, Rosa Angelova and her son Plamen Tashev, Dimityr Chalykov ,Kosyo Stoilov, whose brother arch. Dimityr Stoilov is the author of the project of restoration of the quarter "Varosha". Present also a descendant of two large family - GOLEMINOVI and IZMERLIEVI of which is the poet Smirnenski is maternal Ralitza Chuchukova, former Secretary of the District Police Directorate. With relatives settlers zarovalii was the former boss of the museum Camellia Gruncharova. The traditional meeting also attended porolii including Velichka Kaynakchieva, former boss of the municipal department "Education" and members of the family of Manassev Gevgeli.

In its 147 year history, Community Center "N.Y.Vaptsarov - 1866" has managed to preserve the traditions and culture of our city. Great contribution to this noble cause have all these Gorna Djoumaya families and their heirs. The Community center continues a series of meetings for many years, providing them with due respect and recognition, as they are the living history of Upper Djumaya - today Blagoevgrad. The meeting was preceded by the opening of the exhibition at 18.00, which marked 105 years since the birth of Marin Goleminov fotodokumentalna with the opening of an exhibition in Central library literature and laying flowers at the memorial of the maestro / house behind the library /. Marin Goleminov character is a composer of the second Bulgarian generation, which is also an offshoot of the old Gorna Djoumaya race. The exhibition presented photographs and documents from the personal archive of the family surname Goleminova material from the State Archives - Blagoevgrad, as well as from the library fund. It is curious that it was exposed to the original score for the play "Chairman sounds" written by the maestro in 1978 specifically for guitar mandolin orchestra of the same name at the community center.

The meeting was attended by family GOLEMINOV (his nieces) who shared their personal experiences with his uncle, and expressed gratitude to the organizers of the initiative .

Ylian Yuruchki

Secretary of  community center "N.Y.Vaptsarov - 1866"


The area on the square "Macedonia" in front of the community center was filled with rhythms and sounds of Latin music and dance.

The area on the square "Macedonia" in front of the community center was filled with rhythms and sounds of Latin music and dance. Popular choreographer Alfredo Torres, who visited in Blagoevgrad at the invitation of the dance club "Carat" in  community center " Nikola Vaptsarov 1866" included in the total fiesta salsa, bachata and merengue dancers from the club "Carat" and children from the public. With this dance club “Karat” opened its dance season and showed that professionalism and desire can happen pretty things. Dancing by Alfredo Torres is not a sport or aerobics. He gives for example the salsa, which determined rather as a way of thinking, to practice it for a philosophy of life, comparing it with our “rychenica” or “horo”. This is for Cuban people as a business card, like the popular lately among the Bulgarians in Bulgaria and our communities around the world horo to the song "White Rose." Cubans were founders of salsa, but salsa champions in sport dancing are becoming representatives of Bulgaria, Russia, Italy, USA, adds Torres.

Alfredo Torres likes Bulgaria, working here for years, has its own school of dance, often a jury or instructor in dance television formats. Now he went to Vietnam, where he will be a member of the jury in the Vietnamese version of "Dancing Stars".

The popular choreographer Alfredo Torres, who was guest of Blagoevgrad by invitation of dance Club “Karat”, House of culture “Nikola Vaptsarov 1866” – Blagoevgrad.

The popular choreographer Alfredo Torres, who was guest of Blagoevgrad by invitation of dance Club “Karat”, House of culture “Nikola Vaptsarov 1866” – Blagoevgrad.

This isn`t the first joint event of eminent dancer and choreographer with Dance club “Karat”. Only a few days ago they were participated in Latino- fiesta about 66-th anniversary to Dimitrovgrad.

Opening of the season of art in House of culture

A glass of wine and modest treat the President of the House of culture “Nikola Vaptsarov 1866” – Blagoevgrad gathered board, teachers in the music school, artistic leaders and representatives of cultural institutions, outlined the guidelines basic directs for the new art season, highlights in it, with particular attention paid to the upcoming anniversary of the Mixed choir “Alen mak”, which will be held on 15.11.2013, the creation of new groups and creative units at the House of culture. Attitude of the topic took Petar Kyosev, actor and member of the board, Hristo Velev – choir-master of choir “Alen mak” and member of the Board, also the director of Radio Blagoevgrad – Ms. Elisaveta Kamenichka. All guests have expressed readiness for cooperation and joint projects with the House of culture. Guests and staff of House of culture walked around the building to see the renovated rooms and music rooms, library who where repaired this summer.

Dance club “Karat” participated in the World Cup in dance.

Dance club “Karat” at House of culture “Nikola Vaptsarov 1866” – Blagoevgrad participated in World Cup in dance, held on from 01.06 to 06.06.2013 in city Brayton – United Kingdom. After their performance in Qualifying Tournament on 09.03.2013 in Sofia, dance club “Karat” won two qualifiers for Bulgaria in the prestigious competition.

Between more than 1800 groups from all over the world our representatives took V place in adolescents 15 years of age with the dance. “Latin American rhythms” and XVII place for children from 12 years of age with the dance, named “Cha-cha-cha”. The choreographies of both dances are created by Tsvetanka Gavrilova – head of club. Little dancers received high praise for their performance from audience and the world-known names in choreographic art.

For the most prestigious and certainly the most emotional performance, children of dance club “Karat” tell:

“Dream opportunity for “The big stage” became a reality. Day of the travelling came. We were on the plane already. Excitement that we felt could not describe. We arrived at “Heathrow” jammed at the English piano and left to the hotel. On the day of our presentation we were like in heaven.  The dream purpose was to express our love and devotion to dance with two performances on the world stage.                            Thanks to good organization we went on the stage at the right time in program. We gave everything on the stage. This much-awaited performance, these three minutes passed and we were very pleased.

Headed to the locker room, where we waited for our coach. Big smile on her face was a sign of satisfaction from our performance. We were even happier. The assessment of Ms.Gavrilova is very important to us.

We spent another day in Brayton, full of smiles and emotions. The weather wasn`t very nice, but don`t scare us. In the evening we went back to “Heathrow” and left for home airport where we were waited for our parents who owe too much.

In half, our work was done. Implementation of the big girls comes.

We left our own, but our choreographer supported us from a distance. It was time for our performance. All the time behind the stage, we think of our parents, of the smaller kids of the club and especially for Ms. Gavrilova. We were assured that for support of Bulgaria. We went on stage and gave everything. We spent two days devoted entirely to dance. Waving Bulgarian flag with pride, even met in the Bulgarians in the attr city .They wished us luck. Meeting with children form other parts of the world was very exciting for us. That is the value. All these participants were there because like us, love and dance and stage, which display their talents and capabilities.

We came in Bulgaria pleased of the results, that not actually were the most important…

благоевград новини

Народно читалище „Никола Вапцаров 1866” - Благоевград и Македонски научен институт – филиал Благоевград, отбелязаха 110 годишнината от Илинденско – Преображенското въстание
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На 15.07.2013 г. в 11.00 часа Народно читалище „Никола Вапцаров 1866” - Благоевград и Македонски научен институт – филиал Благоевград, отбелязаха 110 годишнината от Илинденско – Преображенското въстание.  В 11.00 часа  в  Централна читалищна библиотека  бе открита   фото-документална изложба „110 години Илинденско – Преображенско въстание”, която включваше книги и документи от фонда на библиотеката, както и фотопостери с ликовете на най-изявените деятели на въстанието. Постерите са изработени от Фотоклуб „Негатив +” към читалището. Слово изнесе Историкът д-р Кирил Алексиев, преподавател в ЮЗУ, служител в отдел „Нова и най-нова история към Регионален исторически музей – Благоевград, както и научен секретар  на Македонски научен институт – филиал Благоевград. Той участва чрез консултации и при изработването на фотосите. Събитието продължи с кратък рецитал, подготвен от  възпитаници на Театрално студио при Обединен Детски комплекс с ръководител Илия Ласин.  Присъстваха служители от Исторически музей – Благоевград, Младежки дом, Драматичен театър и граждани.






Церемония по повод приключване на творческия сезон
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Председателят на Народно читалище „Никола Вапцаров - 1666” – Благоевград  събра творческия и административен екип на институцията на своеобразна церемония по повод приключване на творческия сезон. Отчетоха се постиженията от работата на съставите, детската музикална школа и библиотеката. Бяха връчени благодарствени адреси на художествените ръководители и преподавателите от детската музикална школа към читалището. На донеслите призове през сезона В.Новоселски поднесе Грамоти за постиженията им. Същевременно се начертаха насоките за следващия сезон и отбелязването на 90 годишния юбилей на Смесен хор „Ален мак” и други предстоящи събития, с които читалището ще се впише в културния календар на Благоевград.




Ученик от музикалната школа на читалището в Благоевград свири в Зала „България”
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Ученик от музикалната школа на читалището в Благоевград свири в Зала „България”
Любомир Цветков тази година завършва 8ми клас в ЕГ „Акад. Л. Стоянов“ с немски език. От 6 годишен започва да учи пиано в Детската музикална школа при Народно читалище „Н.Вапцаров 1866” – Благоевград в класа на Симона Генкова. Участвал е в многобройни концерти в Благоевград и София, изнасял е самостоятелни концерти. Участвал е в чествания-годишнини на великите композитори Менделсон, Шопен и Дебюси. Носител е на награди от Националните конкурси за пианисти "На крилете на музиката", "Орфеева дарба", "Андрей Стоянов" , Vivapiano, както и от Конкурс за млади изпълнители на класически инструменти - Перник. На конкурса "Орфеева дарба" - 25 март 2013, София, беше отличен с първа награда и златен медал, както и награден с участие в Майсторски клас на Проф. Людмил Ангелов, организиран от Нов Български Университет. Любомир взе участие в заключителния концерт на Майсторския клас, който се проведе в голямата концертна зала "България" - София на 26 юни от 19 часа. Той изпълни пиесата на Арам Хачатурян "Валс" /из музиката към драмата "Маскарад" на Лермонтов/ и заслужи аплодисментите на компетентната публика. Понастоящем Любомир учи в класа на Иванка Коляшева в Музикалната школа при НЧ  "Н. Вапцаров - 1866" - Благоевград.
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